Mandibular Movement Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Analysis for the Diagnosis of Sleep Bruxism.

J.-B. Martinot, N. Le-Dong, V. Cuthbert, S. Denison, D. Gozal, J.-L. Pepin.

Sleep bruxism (BXM) is the result of rhythmic muscular masticatory activity (RMMA) and can be captured by masseters surface electromyography (sEMG). Despite the multiple adverse negative consequences of BXM, a simple reliable home diagnostic device is currently unavailable, with in laboratory audio-video polysomnography (type I PSG) remaining the gold standard diagnostic tool. Mandibular movements (MM) recordings during sleep can readily identify RMMA, are simple to set up and can be easily repeated from night to night. Here, we aimed to identify stereotypical MM in patients with BXM, and to develop RMMA automatic detection and BXM diagnosis using an artificial intelligence-based approach.